My interest initially was in psychotherapy and it came from my need to understand my own symptoms. I wanted changes. Yes, we all have symptoms.

I studied at the Hofbauer Centre, East St Kilda, and obtained a three-year full-time Diploma in Psychotherapy.

Here a large number of theories were studied and experienced in the clinic: Individual, couples, family, child and adolescent work.

I was excited by and very interested in the psychoanalytic work of Sigmund Freud [1856-1939] and Melanie Klein [1882-1939].

The course also required that I participate in personal therapy ― both group and individual ― and have my work with patients supervised weekly.

Following my psychotherapy training, I established my Private Practice.


After a couple of years I participated in the School of Psychoanalysis Four Year Program offered by the Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis.

I have undertaken my own personal analysis and my work has regular supervision.

Supervision of my work with patients is confidential. When there is a need to discuss a situation with a colleague no identifying material is used.

Jacques Lacan spoke of his theory as a return to Freud. He understood that his psychoanalytic colleagues had shifted away from and not developed Freud’s ideas further.

Lacan’s theory offers a patient the opportunity to find his own way in the world.

The talking cure is the process used. In saying what comes to mind the method of free association enables the unconscious wishes and desires to surface. This is not easy and can be difficult at times, but the aim is to work towards that freedom of speech. By exploring our perceptions and fantasies we can better work and love.

In contrast to other therapies there is not a specific outcome or expectation but an understanding of innate characteristics.
